Advice for Women Experiencing Heart Failure – Louise


Louise said her biggest downfall was that she didn't ask for help from others.

Written testimony

I think my biggest downfall is that I don’t ask for help from others. Because I want to be Superwoman. Because I always was Superwoman. My biggest hurdle has been a lifelong habit of never complaining. That was not helpful. Until recently, I really didn’t understand the magnitude of my heart events each time I survived. And when I realized the severity, I didn’t know how to convert the medical facts to simple terms for my family.  So I never talked about my medical issues to anyone. I knew I had love and support, but I didn’t want anyone to be scared of losing me. I had surgeries and medications, and thought recovery was a given. This kept me in denial until I heard the words heart failure. 

Talking about my experiences here is a first step for me. I hope to include my family and friends sooner than later. I need my people to understand the evolution of my health issues, and how I’m actually coping to survive each day. And yes I have to learn to say no. And yes, I have to learn to ask for and accept help. I think I am slowly getting there.

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